Accueil Actualités Sigma revient sur une exposition réussie

The auspices for Matexpo 2017 were good from the outset, as trends have been positive in the industry for quite some time. The sales figures issued by the trade organisation Sigma for machinery to be used in Civil Engineering and Construction projects had been favourable for months already.

So it came as no surprise that the whole sector was out in force for this sell-out edition of Matexpo.

Exhibitors are always a little nervous when it comes to waiting to see whether the show will result in a more than healthy interest in their wares and – more important still – in machine sales.

The weather gods were not so favourably disposed to us this time around, but there is still some doubt as to whether this has any adverse effects on actual results. Genuinely interested visitors are not going to be put off by a little rain and it’s very possible that some of them will have enjoyed going round the show, even in bad weather, than trudging through the mud on a building site. In any case, Matexpo always has plenty on offer, both under cover and outside.

The general reaction of most exhibitors about visitor numbers was that there wasn’t an enormous quantity, but those who did come made visitor quality particularly high for this edition of the show. People came along with practical questions about actual projects – and plenty of business deals were finalised both during the days of the show itself, as well as in the days that followed. This, of course, is one of the main reasons for taking part in a trade show.

The other – and perhaps even more important – reason for being there is the opportunity to put products on display for a broad-based audience, without necessarily expecting an immediate sale.

And that is certainly a reason why Matexpo was able to offer the ideal platform. For visitors and exhibitors alike, the exhibition created the kind of conditions that generate the optimum trade show experience. In terms of logistics, organisation, information and winding up the show, everything ran very smoothly, without any imperfections worth mentioning. It was certainly clear that the organising team had everything firmly under control. It was also reassuring to note that the organisers had listened to comments made from previous editions of the show and that there was always someone to listen and take comments seriously, as well as – where necessary – to come up with solutions.

As a trade association, we are also proud that we were able to collaborate with such a professional organisation.

Matexpo 2017 was without doubt a great edition of the show – just the way we like it to be run and just as we hope and trust it will continue.

Dries Van Haut - President Sigma vzw